Are you looking for the best toys for 13 year old boys? Choosing a good “toy” or game for teenagers is not easy.
In the market, the supply of toys is so large and varied that it is very difficult to decide on the most suitable or the best. What should be considered when choosing a toy for a 13 year old boy? has prepared some tips and suggestions so that parents can find their way around when choosing and buying presents for their 13 year old son.
13-year-old boys are interested in complicated activities that arise, so going to sports accessories, strategy and reflection games, audiovisuals, electronics, and successful experiments. Intimate diaries, drawing books, trains, car tracks, models to assemble planes and boats, board games and others, can forge the intelligence of these children. Little by little, the desire to play disappears and they build their own identity. Books, music, and video-games.
Tips For Choosing Toys For The 13-Year-Old Boy
1. The toy must be desired by the boy.
2. Make it safe. It must be made of materials that do not chip or are sharp if they break. The colors must be solid and non-toxic. The smaller the child, the bigger the toys should be.
3. We must buy them appropriate to their age, always thinking about the purpose and attitudes they develop in our kids.
4. Let’s consider your personality: a withdrawn child will need socializing games (multiplayer); a hyperactive child will find appropriate attention games, art, etc.
5. Keep it simple. This would increase the range of uses that can be made of it, developing its fantasy and its symbolic capacity.
6. Do not buy them to satisfy a child’s momentary whim.
7. Generally, they should not be used to reward or punish a child.
8. We must bear in mind that the excess of toys kills fantasy and produces boredom.
9. Family members should be instructed not to give away toys indiscriminately.
10. The best toy gift is not necessarily the most expensive.
Toys contribute to the harmonious development of the child from the physical, mental and social aspects. Playing is a way of learning since the little ones elaborate on their emotional experiences and set in motion the social roles to develop as adults.
Therefore, it is essential to adopt a place for the boy to play and provide him with the appropriate and necessary toys that throw bodily sensations to enrich his world since they are little.
Another essential factor to consider is security in the game. In this sense, there is an age group in which they are more prone to injury with certain toys and, although the damage is not usually severe, it can sometimes cause death or leave serious consequences.
It may sound exaggerated but the reality is that it can cause chafing, falls, burns, choking, choking or poisoning. Consequently, parents should select toys that are convenient and help develop their children’s abilities.
You can read more articles similar to Toys for each age of the child, in the Toys category in Academic Aide.