Very Early Symptoms of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Is it possible to have pregnancy signs before missed period dates? If so, what are the very early symptoms of pregnancy before the missed period in women?

Thousands of women all over the world ask these questions every month. How soon can you tell if you are pregnant, and what are the signs and symptoms?

Our bodies are magnificent specimens that can alert you to the fact that a baby is growing inside of you even before you miss your monthly menstruation cycle.

But also keep in mind that some women will not experience any of these early symptoms of pregnancy. Everybody is different.

If you are trying to get pregnant or scared that you are then you should be on the lookout for these possible pregnancy signs before missed period indicators.


What are the signs of early pregnancy before missed period?

Here are the 7 best early pregnancy symptoms before missed period signs.

Here a women can know about Very Early Symptoms of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Sore or Tender Breasts

Your breasts can become extremely tender and sensitive when they become pregnant. Some have said that they downright hurt.

This is usually caused by the hormonal changes and increases occurring in your body during this time.

Cramping and/or Spotting

These early symptoms can occur due to implantation. This is when the fertilized egg embeds itself into your uterus, where it will continue to grow into a fetus.

Extremely Tired

Fatigue is a common occurrence when you are with a child, especially in the first trimester. You may feel like you can’t get enough sleep in early pregnancy.

This is well understood when you think about all of the cell division and development going on during this time.

Nausea and/or Vomiting

This is commonly referred to as morning sickness. But it doesn’t just occur during the morning.

You may feel queasy as soon as you become pregnant or you may be lucky enough to not experience this your entire pregnancy.

Short Temper or Mood Swings

Many women report that they were very irritable and short-tempered before their period was late.

If you suffer from PMS then this symptom may be overlooked as one of the possible pregnancy signs before missed period occurs.

Increased Urination

If you are going to the bathroom more often than usual then this may be an indication of pregnancy.

Pressure or a Full Felling in your Pelvic Area

Some women have said that there was a feeling of fullness in their pelvic area before they received a positive pregnancy test result from a doctor or home pregnancy test.

Signs of Pregnancy: The 15 Earliest (and Weirdest) Pregnancy Symptoms

Let’s watch this video to know more:

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