When To Take Baby Out Of Bassinet?

This is really a tricky question. Because some babies outgrow their bassinets faster than others. As per the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), your baby will most likely outgrow her bassinet just within a few months.

Bassinets are costly but you can only use them for a few months. That seems unfair, right? Well, this is how it works.

Newborn grows at an incredible rate for the first few months. Despite this fact, you have to get a bassinet. But if you are looking for an affordable bassinet, visit BetterSleepBaby.com.

Usually, whenever you buy a bassinet from a reputable brand, it comes with an instructional manual. Read the manual carefully and it will tell you exactly how long your baby can use the bassinet.

When To Take Baby Out Of Bassinet

Now, let’s talk about our main topic. Knowing the exact time is very important because it is related to the safety of the baby.

Whenever your little one can sit by herself, she no longer belongs to the bassinet!


When To Take Baby Out Of Bassinet?

There are some signs that can help you identify the exact time when to take the baby out of the bassinet.

In this article, you will know exactly when you should move your little one from the bassinet to the crib.

1. Weight Limit

Every bassinet comes with a weight limit. To check the growth of your baby, you will weigh your little one more frequently.

Whenever your baby exceeds the weight limit mentioned in the bassinet manual, just move her to the crib.

Some babies are underweight but may still need to be moved from the bassinet. So when to do so?

As I mentioned earlier, pay attention to whether she can sit up on her own. As soon as she can do that, move her instantly.

Bassinets are usually shallow and whenever your little one can sit up, there is a high chance she can fall off from it.

Apart from falling off the bassinet, she will bump into the side of the bassinet and will wake up several times during the midnight.

2. Ignore Age

You will learn a lot of things from the internet about parenting. One of them is moving the baby from the bassinet whenever she is 3 months old.

In some cases, they will say to move the baby whenever she reaches the 6 months limit.

But whatever the age of your little one is, you do not have to kick her out from the bassinet. You should try to keep her in the bassinet as long as you can.

Because the only bassinet offers to breastfeed and you can keep your baby in your own master bedroom. You can’t keep a standard crib in your bedroom because of the space limit.

So, ignore the age limit of your baby. Rather pay attention whether your little one can sit up. Some bassinets are still safe for the baby who can sit up. You may try to find them for the sake of your baby.

3. Notice Mid Night Feeding

Newborn needs frequent feeding, right? They have to have breastfed at midnight several times. Most moms become sleep deprived then.

However, you have to notice whether your newborn is slowing down on midnight breastfeeding.

It’s a good indication that she might be able to sleep throughout the night on her own. It also indicates, she is becoming ready for the big transition from her bassinet.

4. Making The Transition Easier

Like the adults, newborn does not like the change of her bed. You may find it difficult to make your baby comfortable into the new crib.

Try to set the crib in your bedroom to keep the environment familiar for the baby.

From the very beginning of the transition, do not keep the baby in the crib for the whole night. You need to make her used to it.

One of the best ways to do so is to put her in the crib only for the nap time.

This will slowly make the newborn understand that crib is for sleeping not playing. Your newborn actually may find the new crib comfortable. So, don’t get over tensed.

Because most bassinets have a thin mattress whereas all the crib has a thick and comfy mattress arrangement.

Besides your newborn will find enough space inside the crib to stretch out.

Summing Up

The transition from the bassinet to the crib is a big step. Most parents get emotional in this stage because their little one will be sleeping in a different room.

However, do not rush to anything. Remember those tips I mentioned above whether your baby is ready or not.